Special set

【Special Offer:get 10% discount!】limited set: Rengoku Calendar + Art book

Limited offer:
JPY3,973円JPY3,575円(tax included)10%OFF + international shipping fee

Domestic delivery includes shipping fee in the price.


1. desk calendar Jun/2023/06-May/2024

regular price: JPY1,300


杏録カレンダー2023 by 悠屋 @yuya_artwork

Kyojuro Calendar 2023 by 悠屋 @yuya_artwork



2. Rengoku Art book

  • A4 square sized, 88 pages
  • more than 70 pieces of art
  • one post card (snow and Rengoku)
  • regular price  JPY2,673




Special set Detail

Limited offer:
JPY3,973円JPY3,575円(tax included)10%OFF 

  1. Domestic(Japan) shipping fee(letter pack light)
  2. one calendar with desk case
  3. one Art book
  4. two hologram cards
  5. one post card


  • The shipping fee within Japan is included in the price .
  • About International shipping:
    we will ship by EMS(Express Mail sServices).
    the fee is below:

    if you have question, please contact Yuya. →Contact form

International shipping fee and the total cost

  • 🇨🇳 China, 🇰🇷South Korea, 🇹🇼Taiwan :
    JPY1,450  (+ product JPY3,575 = ) TOTAL JPY5,025
  • Asia except China, South Korea, Taiwan:
    JPY1,900 (+ product JPY3,575 = ) TOTAL JPY5,475
  • 🇦🇺Oceania, 🇨🇦Canada, 🇲🇽Mexico, 🌍Europe :
    JPY3,150(+ product JPY3,575 = ) TOTAL JPY6,725
  • 🇺🇸United States(includes Guam and American overseas territories): 
    JPY3,900 (+ product JPY3,575 = ) TOTAL JPY7,475
  • Latin America(except Mexico) , Africa:
    JPY3,600 (+ product JPY3,575 = ) TOTAL JPY7,175

Payment Method

Credit card only, via Stripe


▼Purchase here▼


▼To domesitic only

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